The Lion Is Back
Find what you're good at and do it. Do not settle, do not let others tell you what you should do, do not get comfortable in something that makes you miserable just because it's safe.
You live once, take a chance. Do not be afraid to fall because you will fall. Have the courage to fall and get back up and keep going. Face your fears head on and conquer them. You will never grow, you will never learn, you will never be rewarded if you refuse to overcome them. No matter what happens, if you try, you will come out ahead.
You are only a failure if you never try, you are never brave, you settle or you let your fear run your life for you. Letting your fear control you is a pathetic, sorry way to live. If this is you, then you can just drag out your coffin right now and lie down in it while waiting to die.
I have fallen, I have been pushed, shoved, discarded and broken. The choice is to live in fear of it happening again or to rise up and say, "Piss off! You no longer have power over me. Now I control my destiny."
I've worked too hard and overcome too much. I have been hurt and I have been blindsided. I have let fear stop me before but I've learned way too much recently and I will never let fear stop me again. They say that "there is nothing to fear but fear itself" but I don't even fear fear anymore.
When you learn to stop expecting things from people, you learn patience, understanding, strength and trust.
You won't learn those things if you continue to expect things from people.
All I ask is that you think about those words my mother told me so many years ago. I don't expect you to. I just hope that you will.